7 Easy Steps to Take to Protect Your Data

One of the most important thing a person can keep in our phone will by the data. Every person has their unique set of data. Therefore, it become utmost important to protect it from adversaries, who constantly try to get the bite of your data. If it might get into the wrong hand there may lies some serious consequences.

At least 16 billion records, including credit card numbers, home addresses, phone numbers and other highly sensitive information, have been exposed through data breaches since 2019. The first quarter of 2020 has been one of the worst in data breach history, with over 8 billion records exposed.

Most companies provide all sorts of protection to keep your data safe. Unless as a user, if we don’t change our digital hygiene regarding data protection those incidences are bound to happen. Although protecting your privacy and security doesn’t have to be a complex or daunting task. Let’s look at some simple strategies you can put in place to keep your data from being breached.

  1. Software Updates
  2. Usually Software updates seem annoying and time-consuming. Even though OS is secure during the time of release, overtime adversaries find certain vulnerability in the software and will try to exploit. So when you update, you’ll get the latest fixes and security improvements, helping your device run efficiently and stay protected.

  3. Protect with Passwords
  4. Create a strong password change the password often and never use the same password across sites. If it becomes hard to keep track of all the password then use password manager application like Bitwarden or 1password. On your phone you can use a strong password or bio-metric such as fingerprint or face ID to protect your device from unauthorized access.

  5. Keep a back up of your data
  6. Backing up data is one of most overlook aspect of security. Backups help protect your photos, documents, and other data not only from a technical malfunction but from ransomware and other malicious hacking. These day a lot of tech companies provide cloud back-up services for free for certain amount of storage. If you don’t rely on those cloud services then you can go with external hard drives.

  7. Use app that provide encryption
  8. Encryption convert all your data into gibberish so that, it will be render useless if someone manage get their hands on it. It not only use to encrypt data on your computer it is also used to encrypt the data we use communicate. For mobile device as soon as you lock your device it automatically encrypted. And as for secure communication, there are a lot of free apps which use end-to-end encryption so that only communicating users can read the data rendering third party absolutely unless. Application such as Whatsapp, signal and telegram etc.

  9. Be cautious of app permission and privacy settings
  10. Most apps offer privacy setting to give you more free about what information is shared. Always choose the least amount of data sharing. Check permission so that, no unnecessary permission are given.

No protection method is 100% foolproof, but there’s clearly plenty you can do to safe guard your information. Educate yourself on the latest security tactics and tricks and improve your overall digital hygiene.

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